The credit for the fitness industry becoming more professional in the recent years can be easily given to the man who is working day and night to upgrade and teach the trainers to make them a world class personal trainer so that they can meet the standard set by fitness industry.

he is non other than COACH PRADEEP NAIN , who was born with a unique passion. his love and passion for the fitness and bodybuilding was so intense and powerful, that even his adolescence age didn’t stop him from pursing the personal trainer certification at age of just 16 yrs. he started training 2 yrs before his an age of 14 yrs. he watched every video, read every magazines/book , pt manual from all over the world he could find from the available sources.

the young boy born on 20 aug 1993 , at (KHARAL, narwana)in Haryana state, got imbued to go for maintaining fitness world. his passion for sports and fitness rose during his childhood and started with martial art practice at an age of 8 yrs. at a very short span his dedication and hard work made him the NATIONAL CHAMP, and represented India at many international events and claimed Black belt 1 Dan . at an age of 16 he was a well known certified personal trainer in the fitness industry.

his clear thoughts includes the significance of health cant be undermined by any prosperous developed country. the maxim goes,’ sound mind in sound (healthy ) body’. the furtherance of physical fitness is the need of hour. no sick body can herald prosperity in ones home establishment.

by clearing the National judge exam at National bodybuilding championship in 2015, under IBBF,(Mumbai). Pradeep nain made niche by Procuring seat of NATIONAL JUDGE at IBBF. and made his special seat as one of YOUNGEST NATIONAL JUDGE IN INDIA AT BODYBUILDING. At an age of 23 yrs.

Pardeep nain , is defacto too young at this juncture, who has incredibly scaled many a height to satiate his invincible passions. ahead of times, he successfully formulated to lounch FZ SPORTS ACADEMY, to impart training to train and guide the young gym trainers. and help them to become a world class certified trainer. that can meet the industry demand and standard. this course help them to build a fruitful carrier in fitness world.

it is because of his training , lectures and seminars that weight training today is considered to be the most effective tool for fat loss and anti aging.


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